My Belief :

Crisis management is like being a lighthouse in the storm, calm, steady against the elements, to guide people towards good waters.

English version


Presentation of Mathieu THOMAS

Former Navy officer and professor in management and leadership at Ecole polytechnique (a top level engineering school).
General project director with atypical but rich profile (17 years experience), used to operational management under pressure, leadership, coaching and team training. Consultant in crisis management, transition and security management (example: safety of a site, fire protection). Executive MBA 2018 graduate at EDHEC business school (#3 in France).


History of employments


English version

Since April 2017

Consulting in leadership, transition and crisis management.

Expert in management and crisis management under pressure.

English version

Since Septembre 2016

Executive MBA.

training in finance and business management.

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Septembre 2016 and February 2017

assistant construction manager.

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March 2016 to March 2017

Training as a construction manager (AFPA – Colmar).

training in construction sites managements.

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February 2015

Internship in business.

consulting in strategy and IT, dedicated to digital transformation for defense and aerospace industry.

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July 2014 to March 2016

Ecole polytechnique.

Professor in management and leadership, coaching in soft skills.

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Septembre 2011 to July 2012

Bulding and armement of BPC DIXMUDE at Toulon Toulon naval base linked with DCNS.

Construction management, management of 650 and security / safety of the ship.

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September 2010 to September 2011

Bulding and armement of BPC DIXMUDE at Saint Nazaire Shipyards.

Construction management, management of 650 and security / safety of the ship.

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January 2005 to July 2007

Service hydrographique de la Marine, Master hydrographer

Planning and execution of hydrographical and geodesic missions.

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Septembre 1999 to July 2016

Navy officer, navigation, hydrography, leadership, management under pressure.

stationned on 12 ships, combat missions, diplomatic services, public service missions, counter drug and piracy operations.

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September 1997 to September 2007

Lifeguard then head of summer lifeguard stations.

From 2000 to 2003, sea rescue ship sailor.

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September 1998 to July 1999

intern fireman at Thionville fire station.

110 interventions in lifekeeping, road accidents and fires.